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The impact of retro-futurism in art is highly influenced by the Italian Futuristic Movement, which promoted the image of future societies linked to technology and machines. As Sian and Lucas (2018) explain, Retro-Futurism is considered a trend related to science and technology in the field of design, based on those representations of the future created in the past by literature and cinema. All those images of colossal cities with extremely tall buildings, robots, and vehicles capable of flying are generated from the concept of Retro-Futurism. The lack of a specific

At the beginning of the 20th century the enormous economic, technological, and scientific progress caused great changes in the way in which human being produced their vision of the world. The Avant-Garde movement became one of those changes, as a reaction to the continuing instability and negativity produced during the first middle of the 20th century. The driving vision of this movement has changed the way society understands the realities of the past and present as well as the future. According to Luque (2015), the origin of Futurism within the Avant-Garde

The tendency to integrate data in life brings forth a smart city concept which is a big issue globally. In theory, a smart city develops and manages a city by leveraging information technology to more effectively and efficiently connect, monitor, and regulate existing resources inside the city to maximize services to its residents and support sustainable growth. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be a solution in public services to realize bureaucratic reform to be more effective, active, and efficient. Artificial Intelligence, according to Russell and Norvig, is a term used to describe

The smart-city concept is a response to global demographic trends, ongoing urbanization processes and the pursuit of sustainable development. As a result of demographic trends, global warming, and turmoil in the global economy, cities provide a space for creative social experimentation and problem solving in the contemporary world. It is necessary to start with the formulation of challenges and the identification of priorities for their optimal solution in order to build smart cities. This term has many definitions in the literature, but most researchers identify the term with a city

The smart-city concept refers to a city that uses information and communication technologies to increase the interactivity and efficiency of urban infrastructure and its components, as well as raising awareness among residents of, for example, such socially important issues as energy efficiency and decarbonization. The current priorities and strategic goals of cities and metropolitan areas include climate protection, the reduction of pollution caused by the use of means of transport and heat or energy sources. The development of technology and the evolving smart-city concept are in line with the more