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AI and Smart Cities

What is Artificial Intelligence in Smart Cities

The tendency to integrate data in life brings forth a smart city concept which is a big issue globally. In theory, a smart city develops and manages a city by leveraging information technology to more effectively and efficiently connect, monitor, and regulate existing resources inside the city to maximize services to its residents and support sustainable growth. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be a solution in public services to realize bureaucratic reform to be more effective, active, and efficient.

Artificial Intelligence, according to Russell and Norvig, is a term used to describe systems that mimic cognitive capabilities such as learning, speaking, and problem-solving. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is also applied to the public sector by the government for public service management. On the other hand, the government and society using or web- based AI have gaps and pose challenges. Such as AI applications, “AI Process Automation,” “Predictive Analytics,” “Identity Analytics,” “Virtual Agents,” and “Cognitive Robotics,” which are highly influential and of great benefit to the public sector. AI applications automate processes, reduce waiting time, other administrative expenses.

Simply put, smart city management systems automatically and notifies urban problems that will arise or are happening, are informed by sensors, and then propose automatic actions. IBM’s approach to understanding a smart city is based on three pillars: planning and management services, infrastructure services, and community services. A smart city has essential components consisting of 4 dimensions, technology, data, government, community, physical environment, and the support of excellent and collaborative governance. The six pillars of a Smart city are smart government, smart economy, smart society, smart mobility, smart environment, and smart quality of life. Municipalities can apply only a few pillars according to urgency. Among the forms of smart mobility application, regulating traffic with the Area Traffic Control System allows motorists to monitor city streets in taking the fastest route, and the government in an emergency can control traffic.


Smart City Design


From: Artificial Intelligence in Realizing Smart City through City Operation Center 

Irfandi Pratama, Suswanta Suswanta