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Biomimicry is the design that is inspired by nature in terms of functional concepts of an organism or an ecosystem. According to Janine Benyus, bio-mimicry mimics processes in nature to create innovative and sustainable design solutions. She also describes biomimicry as a science in which nature is considered the mentor and model for design. In general, biomimicry uses ecological benchmarks to assess sustainability and create vernacular designs inspired by nature in terms of form, process, and ecosystems. Other scholars have perceived biomimicry as a field of science that aims to address human needs through mimicking natural designs, processes, and systems. Biomimicry is a multidisciplinary field of research where experts with diverse backgrounds (e.g., philosophy, computer science, physics, and chemistry) work together with biologists and engineers to create highly resilient products. Biomimicry is quite critical for today’s world, where rapid climate change and environmental degradations occur.

Historically, the art of biomimicry goes back to 500 B.C., when Greek philosophers learned from the natural organisms and applied their mechanisms, shapes, and functions as the model to make the balance between different parts of design and create the classical idea of beauty. Later, in 1482, Leonardo Da Vinci invented the flying machine by studying the mechanism of birds flying and labeled his work as the early example of biomimicry. Although he was unsuccessful with the flying machine, his invention later led to the development of Wright’s brother’s prototype to an airplane in 1948. In 1958, the term bionics was first introduced and defined as ‘the science of natural systems or their analogs’. However, the term biomimicry did not appear before 1982. Later, in 1997, Janine Benyus expanded the concept of biomimicry in her book ‘Biomimicry: Innovation inspired by Nature’. Then, she established the Biomimicry Institute with Schwan. In 2007, Chris Allen joined the company to launch ‘Ask Nature’, known as the world’s first digital library, which gives natural solutions and inspirations to design practice and research.


Biomimicry vs Bionic

Biomimicry is different from bionic. Bionics is the design of engineering systems, especially electronic ones, based on biological systems, whereas biomimetic is the study of the structure and function of living things as models for creating materials or products by reverse engineering. The act of studying and mimicking nature to come out with practical solutions that address human needs is not a novel practice. In the past, people were often inspired by nature to provide their food, shelter, and innovative methods to survive in harsh environments. These innovative methods have been re-used in the contemporary era in the fields of built environment, medical science, defense, agriculture, and even manufacturing processes.

The ecosystem and nature can be mimicked and contribute to the resilient, sustainable, and adaptable built environment, which improves the capacity of regeneration in the natural environment and adaptation against climate change. Biomimicry also offers thoughtful solutions for human needs through a translational process into a human context where the design may not be similar to the source organism/ecosystem but poses the same functional concepts.

Early scientists have conducted in-depth studies on the functions and processes in nature. They have collected valuable information used in different areas of study, particularly design, architecture, and structural engineering.

biomimicry in architecture

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