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It is evident that the architecture of traditional cultures is also essentially connected with the tacit wisdom of the body, instead of being visually and conceptually dominated. Construction in traditional cultures is guided by the body in the same way that a bird shapes its nest by movements of its body. Indigenous clay and mud architectures in various parts of the world seem to be born of the muscular and haptic senses more than the eye we can even identify the transition of indigenous construction from the haptic realm into

Even though the effects of fluctuating wind influence the urban and architectural design, and reciprocally, the specific distribution of buildings and their shape alter the wind flow, this dynamic natural element is still not an integral part of architectural designing. While the wind-based form-finding is a standard in industrial design, the potential of incorporating the wind fluxes to design loop is still being discovered in architecture. Wind flow pattern, wind pressure on building surfaces, as well as overall outdoor or indoor wind-related comfort, could be controlled, and ultimately enhanced, using

According to Feuerstein and Fred Otto biology and architecture are prerequi- sites of each other. Bioinspiration in architecture is understood as a practical methodology for answering the stakes of designs of forms and energy-efficient structures at the urban scale using natural materials. Biomimetic architecture aims to measure and shape space and to create synergistic relations between the environment and the structure. The adaptability of nature toward different environmental changes has been well reported in the literature. This adaptability of nature has inspired several designers to create highly resilient and environmentally sustainable

Biomimicry is the design that is inspired by nature in terms of functional concepts of an organism or an ecosystem. According to Janine Benyus, bio-mimicry mimics processes in nature to create innovative and sustainable design solutions. She also describes biomimicry as a science in which nature is considered the mentor and model for design. In general, biomimicry uses ecological benchmarks to assess sustainability and create vernacular designs inspired by nature in terms of form, process, and ecosystems. Other scholars have perceived biomimicry as a field of science that aims to

Parametric modeling is a modeling process with the ability to change the shape of model geometry as soon as the dimension value is modified. Parametric modeling is implemented through the design computer programming code such as a script to define the dimension and the shape of the model. The model can be visualized in 3D draughting programs to resemble the attributes of the real behavior of the original project. It is quite common that a parametric model uses feature-based, modeling tools to manipulate the attributes of the model. Parametric modeling was first