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Interior Design

Interior Design and Artificial Intelligence

With the rapid social and economic development, people’s requirements for the comfort of the living environment are also increasing. When people choose an interior design plan, they need to use a comprehensive evaluation system to obtain reliable evaluation results, so as to improve the reliability of the design plan itself. The integration of artificial intelligence processing technology can improve the accuracy and rationality of evaluation index weight calculation on the one hand, and can participate in complex system calculations. The artificial intelligence processing technology obtains reliable evaluation results in a quantitative analysis method to improve the utilization value of interior design solutions.

Interior Design

Discover the Shortcomings in the Plan in Time

Many application factors need to be considered during the evaluation of interior design schemes. For example: social factors, climate factors, architectural style factors, calculate the influence of many factors to delineate the basic framework of interior design. Subsequently, some details were specifically refined to improve the integrity of the design plan. Based on previous design experience, we can know that the error tolerance rate of many interior design schemes is between 5.3% and 10.5%. The main reason is that some detailed information needs to be obtained through further communication. However, when evaluating the indoor program, we can use some quantitative indicators to point out the deficiencies in the program. In addition, combined with supplementary related materials, the interior design plan can be improved and the reliability and effectiveness of the design plan itself can be improved.

Interior Design

Improve the Overall Benefits of the Program

The formulation of the interior design plan provides not only a comfortable living environment for the owners, but also an important support for the company to increase economic income. There is a lot of cost in drawing up the interior design plan. For example: data collection cost, personnel expenditure cost, time production cost, etc. The amount of these costs will also affect the comprehensive benefits that the program can bring. Moreover, some quantitative indicators can be used to point out the deficiencies in the plan when evaluating the indoor plan. In addition, comprehensive analysis of the content of various indicators was carried out when the design plan was drafted in the early stage, thereby improving the compliance of the design plan and reducing the number of repairs in the later stage. This not only reduces the overall cost of expenditure, but also improves the overall benefits that the design scheme can bring.

Reduce the Occurrence of Construction Changes

After the interior design plan is drawn up, it will enter the plan implementation stage. During the construction process, there will be some construction changes in the actual application situation. Such as: reflector position, window position, indoor layout distribution, etc. The appearance of construction changes will directly increase some construction costs. Moreover, the appearance of major construction changes will also delay the construction progress of the entire project. Therefore, we need to do a good job in the evaluation of the interior design plan in the early stage, find out the shortcomings in it and correct it in time. At the same time, some design schemes were appropriately refined to improve the orderliness of the later construction process. Otherwise, the probability of occurrence of construction change problems can be reduced by 15% to 30%, thereby improving the comprehensive benefits brought by interior design.


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    May 24, 2022

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